

If you are not sure which version (64-bit or 32-bit) to pick, it is very likely that you want the 64-bit version (x86_64):

下载x64版本的zip包 SHA256校验

If you know what you are doing and you are sure you need a 32-bit version, you can download it below:

下载x86版本的zip包 SHA256校验

The installation using the provided zip files should be fairly straightforward. Simply extract the files into the desired installation directory, and run finish.exe.



The zip file includes a simple application called finish.exe that can attempt to add both directories to your PATH. This tool also checks for the presence of a C compiler and can install MingW, the GNU C compiler collection for Windows.

Compiler dependencies

Nim编译器编译软件时需要一个C编译器, 你可以使用finish.exe来安装MingW。


使用 choosenim 进行安装

choosenim is an installer for the Nim programming language. It allows you to easily switch between versions of Nim, whether that is the latest stable release or the latest development version.